KaiZen® Outcomes!
Join our Team of KaiZen® Dietitians who saw 14,333 patients in 30,719 visits and in an average of only 2 visits, patients experienced 2.6 pounds of weight lost, 14.8 decrease in FBS, 10.2 drop in Cholesterol, 6.57 drop in LDL and 24.9 drop in TG!
FREE Insurance Billing !
KaiZen® produces the bill you upload to a free billing clearinghouse while you are with your patient. No need to pay a biller or spend time after your visits entering information into a billing system.
More FREE time for you...

KaiZen® Forms
All the forms that you need for your practice are included: HCFA 1500 Form, HIPAA, Signature on File, Initial Nutrition Assessment and Follow-ups, Pediatric and Eating Disorder Assessments, LEAP, Meal Plans and much more...
KaiZen® Reports
Patient Recommendations and Physician ADIME and SOAP Notes, Meal Plans all which are easily customizable to your practice.
AND Outcomes reports that document your effectiveness!