"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney
About Us
Karen Kiver Patalano, MBA, RD, LDN, CDE, NHA has been a Registered Dietitian for more than 30 years acquiring a diverse level of expertise in clinical nutrition and management. In addition to managing her software company Karen is currently in private practice. She also raises chickens and enjoys running competitively.
About Us
Founded in June 2004 and based in Boylston, Massachusetts, KaiZen® Healthcare Solutions is a trusted USA based software company that is 100% owned and operated by a Registered Dietitian, Karen Kiver Patalano, MBA, RD, LDN, CDE, NHA. Karen founded KaiZen® Healthcare in 2004, which specializes in using technology to achieve excellence in healthcare.
KaiZen® RD EMR was released in March 2012. Suggestions from hundreds of RD's across the country and Canada were incorporated and the new updated version was released in July 2016. The NEW KaiZen® RD EMR is state of the art technology, user friendly and super easy to customize in order to streamline your private practice. The billing is FREE and could not be made easier. It also includes Pedi/Eating Disorder, LEAP, Meal Plans, ADIME and SOAP notes, Outcomes Reports and much more! KaiZen® RD is HIPAA Protected, Cloud based so it is easily accessed online from a PC, Mac, mobile phone or tablet.

Feel free to contact Karen anytime for free advice via phone, text or email!
Cellular: 508.335.2452
Email: karen@kaizenrdemr.com